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Notice of Public Hearing No. 2


The Village of Bowerston intends to apply to the Ohio Department of Development for funding trough the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) - Critical Infrastructure Grant (CIG) a federally funded program adminstered by the State. On June 4, 2024, the village of Bowerston conducted the first public hearing to inform citizens about the CDBG programs, how funds may be used, what activities are eligible, and other important program requirements.

The Village of Bowerston will conduct a second public hearing at 12:00 pm on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at village Park - Community Building - 400 Maple Street, Boweston, OH 44695. This public hearing will give citizens an opportunity to review and comment on proposed improvements to the water distribution system. The Village intends to apply for a CDBG - CIG through the Ohio Department of Development for porject costs. This porposed project will replace the storm sewer trunk line, which originates approximately 175 feet shouth of Gordon Street within the Village of Bowerston. It exends approximately 1,225 feet north through the town to the outfall at a channel that connects to Conotton Creek. The estimated project cost is $1,164,600. The estimated sources and amounts of funding are as follows: CDBG - CIG - $500,000, Local/OWDA - $664,600. 

Citizens are encouraged to atend tis important meeting on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at 12:00 pm to express their views and comments on the Village's proposed improvment to the Gordan Street Culvert and Drainage.